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Orton Gillingham Multisensory Education

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(based on 11 reviews)

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin. My background is in special education -28 years! My great joy is working with people with dyslexic profiles and language based disorders. I have a private practice and work in a public school, working with students - Pre-K through post graduate. Recently selected as Teacher of the Year 2016-17 at the high school where I work. It is an honor to receive this award for the second time! Thanks ekennyfoggin@gmail.com




Hello! My name is Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin. My background is in special education -28 years! My great joy is working with people with dyslexic profiles and language based disorders. I have a private practice and work in a public school, working with students - Pre-K through post graduate. Recently selected as Teacher of the Year 2016-17 at the high school where I work. It is an honor to receive this award for the second time! Thanks ekennyfoggin@gmail.com
Know the Code: Writing Skills Development for Older Students

Know the Code: Writing Skills Development for Older Students

Do you work with older students who need to develop writing skills? This is a multisensory PDF resource that offers explicit instruction in the writing process, and provides numerous writing prompts: prompts with visuals; written prompts (no visuals) and journal topics that are engaging, and helps develop high cognitive skills along with writing skills. Older student appreciate the style of this multisensory resource; it does not insult students with babyish looking font, and visuals. The prompts are designed for older students. Please review the preview file as it highlights most of the resource. This resource provides students with specific writing strategies, text boxes that include a variety of word choices; and text boxes for students to fill-in as they progress through the pages. Answer keys are not included since each student will provide responses based on their personal knowledge bases. Please email me with any questions or comments. It is my hope that this NO PREP resource will provide high quality writing materials for your students, and help reduce time you need to prepare a thorough document for long-term development! Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Terms: Writing skills; older students; Dyslexia; Learning difference; learning disabilities; high school writing lessons; Turner Syndrome; Reading disorders; IMSLEC; OG-TT; OG-T; Supplemental for Wilson Reading; 9th grade; 10th grade; 11th Grade; 12th Grade; adult literacy; adult writing; multisensory; punctuation; grammar; visualization; writing strategies; writing prompts
Know the Code:  Latin Prefix "pro-"

Know the Code: Latin Prefix "pro-"

This multisensory resource focuses on a Latin prefix, "pro-." The knowledge gained from understanding the meaning of pro- brings students to "a higher understanding." This resource includes a variety of methods to support student internalization of the meaning of "pro-." Teachers and parents can determine the specific pages a student completes - very helpful for a class of diverse students academically. Of course, students can complete the entire multisensory packet - just providing options! Some skills included in this multisensory resource: decoding encoding writing development working memory & long term memory development language development math based vocabulary reading comprehension reading fluency Please email me with questions you may have. FYI There are answer keys included. Please contact me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com if you have any questions. Thanks. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Key Terms: Dyslexia, language, Latin root; speech; special education; tutoring; Orton Gillingham; Orton lessons; OG-TT; OG-T; OG tutor; Wilson reading; Turner Syndrome: concepts; vocabulary ; multisensory
Know the Code: Latin prefix "bi-"

Know the Code: Latin prefix "bi-"

This multisensory resource focuses on a Latin math prefix, "bi-." This is a great resource for students learning geometry (i.e., bisecting angles). The knowledge gained from understanding the meaning of bi- brings students to "a higher understanding," which then helps make a stronger connection learning. This multisensory resource includes a variety of methods to support student internalization of the meaning of "bi-." Teachers and parents can determine the specific pages a student completes - very helpful for a class of diverse students academically. Of course, students can complete the entire multisensory packet - just providing options! Some skills included in this multisensory resource: decoding encoding writing development working memory & long term memory development language development math based vocabulary reading comprehension reading fluency math concepts Please contact me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com if you have any questions. Thanks. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Key Terms: Dyslexia, language, Greek root; speech; special education; tutoring; Orton Gillingham; orton lessons; OG-TT; OG-T; OG tutor; Wilson reading; Turner Syndrome: math; geometry concepts; equi; equ; math; math vocabulary
Template for Study Guides

Template for Study Guides

This is a cross curricular multisensory resource. This resource is a study guide template where you can make changes on the document. Please be sure to save the original resource. The reason for the creation of this resource was to support students who, based on IEP requirements, are provided with study guides. The problem with many study guides is that only the concepts being tested are provided. Students with 504 Plans, ESL/ELL students and classified students are typically developing foundational skills, unlike some of their peers. There is nothing more important then developing key skills like inferencing, predicting, and the ability to apply new concepts with prior knowledge to make "connections." This study guide provides a way to continue to develop the high order thinking skills, not just providing test material. In the end, many students who use study guides to memorize will not recall or lack the ability to communicate the essence of concepts from previous weeks. Therefore, this multisensory tool is a method to continue to develop skills without requiring additional time outside the class or home. Skills are repetitiously repeated throughout the school year, and students have a stronger opportunity to increase higher thinking skills. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Terms: older students; study guides; dyslexia; learning differences; cognitive skills; time management; beyond memorization; internalization; parents; Orton Gillingham instruction; OG; tutoring; tutor resources; science; history; government; chemistry; biology; content areas support; word document
Know the Code: Latin Roots - sec, sect

Know the Code: Latin Roots - sec, sect

This is a multisensory PDF resource designed for students that are developing reading comprehension and understanding of math terms. If you are looking for worthwhile resource that will help students develop math and science terminology and increase reading skills this is the resource. Words that are included in this resource that support math: sector; cross-section; bisector; dissection; mid-section; bisectors -to name a few! There are a few application activities included to support a deeper understanding and potential for automaticity of words and their meanings. There is a word search included in this resource. Please make the word search a voluntary assignment. Why? Many students love word searches, but many do not like word searches due to visual processing difficulties. It is included for those students who like to complete the word searches since it is another opportunity to internalize the words and roots. The following skills are covered and a focus in this multisensory resource: Decoding Spelling Reading comprehension Reading fluency Morphology Memory development Word Retrieval Sentence development Sentence comprehension Syntax through writing activities If you have questions, please email me at: ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key terms: Dyslexia; Specific Learning Differences; Turner Syndrome; reading comprehension; morphology; vocabulary; math terms; decoding; memory development; spelling; cognition; reading fluency; processing speed
Know the Code: Word Lists for Oral Reading & Coding; and Application Activities

Know the Code: Word Lists for Oral Reading & Coding; and Application Activities

This is a PDF multisensory Orton Gillingham based resource that has been designed to support decoding, reading fluency, spelling, writing development; visual processing and memory building skills. Included are application activities to support the skills previously mentioned. There are many word lists that include one and two-syllable words; compound words; including short vowels; consonant digraphs; r-controlled; vowel teams; diphthongs; and words with schwa. Activities are included that help to develop cognitive skills including processing speed and memory; identification of specific phonemes; practice identifying and recalling words, including spelling of words from memory. Answer keys are included in the PDF resource - but are not part of the preview resource. Thank you and if you have a question, please email me at: ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Terms: Dyslexia; reading fluency; decoding; language arts; English; Turner Syndrome; ESL; ELL; comprehension; vocabulary; tutor; Orton Gillingham instruction; OG tutor; tutor time; special education; learning differences
Know the Code: Suffix -less

Know the Code: Suffix -less

Consider becoming a follower of my "Shop!" The resources include materials for all ages groups, ability levels, and specific academic concepts. Many of the resources provide basic information so adults working with students, or parents supporting their child, have background information that is useful when teaching. This PDF document has over 10 pages of information, activities that include: Memory development Vocabulary development Reading comprehension development Decoding Encoding Parts of speech Graphic organizers Application activities If you have questions, please email me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Writing development Processing speed Key terms: English; spelling; language arts; decoding; encoding; dyslexia; gifted and talented; memory development; working memory; long term memory; word retrieval; Turner's Syndrome; morphology; vocabulary; reading comprehension; Orton Gillingham instruction; multisensory education; IMSLEC; OG; OG tutors; tutoring
Know the Code: Suffix "-ment"

Know the Code: Suffix "-ment"

Looking for a well developed "multisensory" PDF packet of activities to develop and internalize the meaning, and much more for the suffix "-ment?" This multi-page resource is perfect for teachers and parents looking for meaningful work, with a variety of reading and writing activities. So many resources available for purchases are missing the skill building to develop writing. This resource includes a variety of writing opportunities, along with a user-friendly writer's support chart to help students with working memory, sequential ordering challenges, and language challenges. Pick and choose the skills you would like your student/child to focus on to develop this skill. There is an optional word search included. Please be advised it has been my experience working with students of all grade levels that students either love word searches or detest them. Therefore, please do not use if your student/child have challenges with visual spatial skills. Do not grade students if word searches are a challenge! Have questions? Email me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Terms: Reading, writing, decoding, encoding; reading fluency; cognitive development; dyslexia; learning differences; English; Turner Syndrome; suffix; parents; tutors; OG; Orton Gillingham instruction; tutor time; literacy; no prep
Know the Code:  -ey

Know the Code: -ey

FOLLOW ME AND MULTISENSORY RESOURCES SOLD IN MY SHOP! How? Click on my user name - ekennyfoggin above - then click on the word "Profile." Finally, click on the picture in black and white of "people" under the blue rectangle - you are now one of my followers! This is a multisensory resource that focuses on the vowel team -ey. The approach used to develop this reource is based on the principles of Orton Gillingham - direct, explicit, cumulative and multisensory. There are application activities included. However, please note that there are some activities such as scrambled words that may be inappropriate to some of your students due to visual processing, weak working memories etc. The reason these activities are included is for the other students who have visual processing as a strength, and LOVE the activities. My resources offer a variety of skill building for a variety of students. It is "assumed" that teachers and parents will determine which skill building activities are best for each student. A sampling of skills building activities in this resource: decoding encoding reading fluency vocabulary reading comprehension visual processing cognitive development Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Terms: Vocabulary; decoding; encoding; reading comprehension; reading fluency; cognitive development; visual and auditory processing; dyslexia; Turner Syndrome; learning differences; gifted and talented; vocabulary; Orton Gillingham instruction; OG tutoring; application activities.
Know the Code: Greek Root - path

Know the Code: Greek Root - path

FOLLOW ME AND MULTISENSORY RESOURCES SOLD IN MY SHOP! How? Click on my user name - ekennyfoggin above - then click on the word "Profile." Finally, click on the picture in black and white of "people" under the blue rectangle - you are now one of my followers! Do you need to support struggling readers in higher grade levels? This multisensory PDF document is just the perfect resource with many activities to internalize the meaning of the root "path." Areas of focus: Decoding Encoding Reading fluency Word Comprehension Sentence Comprehension Passage Comprehension Morphological Awareness Syllabication Word patterns Vocabulary Reading strategies Writing Development Sentence structure Capitalization Punctuation Spelling Cognitive areas including memory, processing speed, auditory and visual skill development This multisensory resource is based on the Orton Gillingham methodology, including explicit, repetitive and reflective of instant feedback to support internalization of lesson concepts. It is my hope that teachers and parents can use this multisensory resource to support their students/children. If you have any questions, please contact me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Terms: Dyslexia, Science; Turner Syndrome; Speech; Special education; language; Greek roots; therm; OG; Orton Gillingham; tutoring; IMSLEC; vocabulary; comprehension; reading fluency
Know the Code:  Greek Root - "nuc"

Know the Code: Greek Root - "nuc"

FOLLOW ME AND MULTISENSORY RESOURCES SOLD IN MY SHOP! How? Click on my user name - ekennyfoggin above - then click on the word "Profile." Finally, click on the picture in black and white of "people" under the blue rectangle - you are now one of my followers! This multisensory resource focuses on the science Greek root, "nuc." This is a multisensory resource that includes a variety of methods to support student internalization of the meaning of "nuc," a Greek root. Teachers and parents can determine the specific pages a student may complete - very helpful for a class of diverse students academically. Of course, students can complete the entire multisensory packet, just providing options! Some skills included in this multisensory resource: decoding encoding writing development working memory & long term memory development language development science based vocabulary reading comprehension reading fluency science concepts Please contact me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com for more information. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Key Terms: Dyslexia, language, Greek root; speech; special education; tutoring; Orton Gillingham; OG tutor; Turner Syndrome: science; nucleus; nuclear
Know the Code: The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

Know the Code: The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

Looking for a model of a short story plot triangle model for your students? Would any of your students benefit from having a graphic organizer of a short story plot triangle? Would you like to save time reinventing "the short story plot triangle" for every short story discussed? This resource uses the Most Dangerous Game, a classic suspense short story read in so many middle and high schools. Teach the short story triangle using The Most Dangerous Game. Students read the story, learn about the specific aspects of a short story plot triangle, and then can independently use the information in this resource for additional short stories comprehension! The second file contains the actual text of the short story, The Most Dangerous Game. Since this classic suspense fictional short story is available online for free, I downloaded, formatted so students can annotate and have an easier time reading the text. The price of this multisensory resource if for the power point only - the story is free and available by "googling "free text of The Most Dangerous Game." It is my hope that providing it would save you time! Additional strategies are included to support student development beyond the short story triangle such as a K-W-L graphic organizer, and a mini lesson on what strategies are and why strategies are important for readers to use when reading. For many students, unless explicitly explains and discussed, the connection is not made and students may continue to struggle year after year due to their uncertainty of what the literacy elements are to the short story triangle! Have questions, then email me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com. Become a follower of my "shop" by clicking on the black icon under profile! Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (MSLEC) Key terms: Dyslexia; language based disorders; Turner Syndrome; SLD; ELL; ELD; ESL; professional development; parent resource; OG; tutoring; Orton Gillingham; IMSLEC; Orton; Know the Code
Know the Code: Multisensory Training Materials

Know the Code: Multisensory Training Materials

This multisensory resource is part of a presentation for teachers and other adults looking to increase their knowledge to support students, young, teenagers and adults. Please email me if you are interested in hosting a training at your school, learning center or organization. Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Key Terms: Dyslexia; language; vocabulary; multisensory; IMSLEC; OG; Orton Gillingham tutoring; ELL; ESL; prefixes; suffixes; roots
Know the Code: Multisensory Training Materials - Participants

Know the Code: Multisensory Training Materials - Participants

This multisensory resource is part of a presentation for teachers and other adults looking to increase their knowledge to support students, young, teenagers and adults with reading and writing difficulties. There are many teachers and parents willing to work to support struggling readers but lacking the materials and "know how!" This is a packet that includes four mini lessons per grade level, beginning at kindergarten through sixth grade. Lessons include a focus on: vowel sounds; syllable type; syllabication; spelling rule/generalization; and prefixes, suffixes (grades 2 onward); reading fluency practice and writing. Each lesson includes the writing pages for student to write the dictated words you provide (included in each lesson) and for writing their own "personal sentences. If you are interested in the higher grades revisit this shop again mid-May for the higher grades. Please email me if you are interested in hosting a training at your school or organization. If you would like to see a sample of a lesson, email me and I will forward to you for review. Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) ekennyfoggin@gmail.com
Know the Code: Game and Activities -Spelling Rules/Generalizations

Know the Code: Game and Activities -Spelling Rules/Generalizations

This lesson focuses on a multisensory approach, repetition, review, sequential focus on spelling rules/generalization skill building for optimum student development. It is important each student has time and opportunities to process skills to automaticity. Using a game style activity is one way for students to learn. One folder has the playing cards for game cards for concentration. So teachers use as a learning center activity. The other resource is a version of the power point that contains all of the slides used for the game cards, plus additional student activities to develop the separate spelling rules and generalizations. The rules and generalizations include: plural -s plural -es "fszl" "-ck" "-tch" "dge" "age" Doubling Rule E Rule Change Y Rule Optional Use: There are "wild cards" - students can change rule (if they turned over a different rule, so they have a "second chance" at getting a matched pair with another opportunity to turn over another card. Optional: Lose a Turn cards TEACHERS: You can determine the amount of rules to allow students to use. Remember there are 90 cards with the ten spelling rules/generalizations, young students developming visual memory will do better with less cards.But, as students's skills increase, consider increasing the number of rules/generalizations to include. This concentration game is useful for single players, partners or small groups. If you have a question, please email me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com. thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. a., OG-TT (IMSLLEC) Key Words: Orton Gillingham; OG; Dyslexia; Turner Syndrome; Basic skills; English Language Learners; ELL; ESL; Mega vocabulary; Reading comprehension; reading fluency; decoding; prefixes, suffixes, roots; Schwa; No Prep; Tutor; OG Tutor; Tutoring; Language Arts; Special Education; Parents; Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin; Elizabeth Kenny
Know the Code:  Hyperlinks to view Orton Gillingham resources

Know the Code: Hyperlinks to view Orton Gillingham resources

This is a free resource for teachers, parents and administrators to view a variety of the multisensory resources available in my "shop." Multisensory materials include resources from preschool through high school and focus on a variety of skills. If you have any questions, please email me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Thank you. Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC)
Know the Code: ue Diphthong

Know the Code: ue Diphthong

FOLLOW ME AND MULTISENSORY RESOURCES SOLD IN MY SHOP! How? Click on my user name - ekennyfoggin above - then click on the word "Profile." Finally, click on the picture in black and white of people in a group- under the blue rectangle . Are you looking for a multisensory resource that focuses on the vowel diphthong ue and includes application activities for a stronger connection and/or internalization of diphthongs? This PDF multisensory resource provides students with explicit, repetitious but meaningful learning and exposure of the vowel diphthong "ue." Have a question? Please email me at: ekennyfoggin@gmail.com . Story Elements: Part One https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/know-the-code-story-elements-part-one-11173336 This resource supports learners using a multisensory approach . Students in high school often provide a definition of story elements but are unable to identify within a story. Students need to move beyond the “surface definitions” and apply story elements. This multisensory resource offers the basic information and interconnects practice and application. Know the Code: Parts of Speech - Noun https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/know-the-code-parts-of-speech-noun-11168901 A multisensory approach to support student internalization of the part of speech – noun. While many believe students can identify and locate nouns in sentences, the reality is students are not always efficient. A challenge for students is in the identification of concepts/ideas, which are part of a noun description. Unfortunately, when students identify nouns, what it being is a basic note) “…people, places and things….” Students should be able to state “people, places, things and concepts/ideas.” A review of this bundle will highlight opportunities to support student development. Parents and teachers can select specific activities based on student need. Writing activities are included. Comprehension skills improve when students understand parts of speech within written text. Why? Students can locate the core elements in a sentence – the subject- a noun and verb. . Identification of the main subject (noun) and verb in complex sentences is critical to writing. Best regards, Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Words: Orton Gillingham; OG; Dyslexia; Turner Syndrome; Basic skills; English Language Learners; ELL; ESL; Mega vocabulary; Reading comprehension; reading fluency; decoding; prefixes, suffixes, roots; Schwa; No Prep; Tutor; OG Tutor; Tutoring; Language Arts; Special Education; Parents; Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin; Elizabeth Kenny IMSLEC; Imslec
Know the Code: Word Accents Rules and Generalizations

Know the Code: Word Accents Rules and Generalizations

FOLLOW ME AND MULTISENSORY RESOURCES SOLD IN MY SHOP! How? Click on my user name - ekennyfoggin listed above - click on the word "Profile." Then, go underneath the light blue rectangle, click on the picture in black and white of "people" - you are now one of my followers! This resource supports students of all age levels. The rules to understand when to accent a syllable within a word, or when a syllable is not accented are highlighted on this one-page student graphic organizer. The resource can also be made into a poster size. Need more information, then just email me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com. Have a great day! Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Words: Orton Gillingham; OG; Dyslexia; Turner Syndrome; Basic skills; English Language Learners; ELL; ESL; Mega vocabulary; Reading comprehension; reading fluency; decoding; prefixes, suffixes, roots; Schwa; No Prep; Tutor; OG Tutor; Tutoring; Language Arts; Special Education; Parents; Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin; Elizabeth Kenny IMSLEC; Imslec
Know the Code: Vowel Team Bundle

Know the Code: Vowel Team Bundle

FOLLOW ME AND MULTISENSORY RESOURCES SOLD IN MY SHOP! How? Click on my user name - ekennyfoggin above - then click on the word "Profile." Finally, click on the picture in black and white of people in a group- under the blue rectangle . Are you looking for a multisensory resource that focuses on the vowel teams ay, ai, ee, ea, oa, ow, oe, and that includes application activities for a stronger connection and/or internalization of vowel team concepts? This PDF multisensory resource provides students with explicit, repetitious but meaningful learning and exposure of vowel teams. In addition, there is a section dedicated to writing and word memory recall, using visual prompts. Students love the pictures and that there can be a "friendly" competition with class mates over words. Have a question? Please email me at: ekennyfoggin@gmail.com Story Elements: Part One https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/know-the-code-story-elements-part-one-11173336 This resource supports learners using a multisensory approach . Students in high school often provide a definition of story elements but are unable to identify within a story. Students need to move beyond the “surface definitions” and apply story elements. This multisensory resource offers the basic information and interconnects practice and application. Know the Code: Parts of Speech - Noun https://www.tes.com/us/teacher-lessons/know-the-code-parts-of-speech-noun-11168901 A multisensory approach to support student internalization of the part of speech – noun. While many believe students can identify and locate nouns in sentences, the reality is students are not always efficient. A challenge for students is in the identification of concepts/ideas, which are part of a noun description. Unfortunately, when students identify nouns, what it being is a basic note) “…people, places and things….” Students should be able to state “people, places, things and concepts/ideas.” A review of this bundle will highlight opportunities to support student development. Comprehension skills improve when students understand parts of speech within written text. Why? Students can locate the core elements in a sentence – the subject- a noun and verb. . Identification of the main subject (noun) and verb in complex sentences is critical to writing. Best regards, Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M. S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Words: Vowel Teams; Orton Gillingham; OG; Dyslexia; Turner Syndrome; Basic skills; English Language Learners; ELL; ESL; Mega vocabulary; Reading comprehension; reading fluency; decoding; prefixes, suffixes, roots; Schwa; No Prep; Tutor; OG Tutor; Language Arts; Special Education; Parent Supports; Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin; Elizabeth Kenny
Know the Code: Spelling Rules/Generalizations Graphic Organizer

Know the Code: Spelling Rules/Generalizations Graphic Organizer

FOLLOW ME AND MULTISENSORY RESOURCES SOLD IN MY SHOP! How? Click on my user name - ekennyfoggin above - then click on the word "Profile." Finally, click on the picture in black and white of "people" under the blue rectangle - you are now one of my followers! Like the multisensory resources offered, but not ready to purchase today? Then, at the end of this description, click on "Add to Favorites," next to the heart icon. Then, you can easily locate the resource when you need it. This is a great visual for students that includes the following spelling / generalizations: "-tch" "-dge" The Doubling Rule The Silent E Rule The Y Rule Each student in your class can have one to use at school and at home. This visual graphic organizer can also be made into a poster size and visible within the class room. Teachers of Social Studies and Science can post in their classes as a support to students since students not yet mastering the spelling of words will benefit from the visual cues. This is a great tool to laminate if your a teacher working with whole group, small group, or a tutor working individually with a student! Hope you like this multisensory resource. Have a question? Then, please email me at ekennyfoggin@gmail.com . Have a great day! Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin M.S., M. A., OG-TT (IMSLEC) Key Words: Orton Gillingham; OG; Turner Syndrome; Basic skills; English Language Learners; ELL; ESL; Mega vocabulary; Reading comprehension; reading fluency; decoding; prefixes, suffixes, roots; Schwa; No Prep; Tutor; OG Tutor; Language Arts; Special Education; Parent Supports; Elizabeth Kenny-Foggin; Elizabeth Kenny